
Request Information
TYPE Request


Object: HostingUpdateRequest


name type required default description
package string no A valid package name see package endpoints
crmId string no The customer relation management Identifier. String (16)
email string no A valid package name see package endpoints
password string no Allows you to update the password of the hosting
ftpPassword string no Allows you to update the ftp password of the hosting
suspend object: boolean no Allows you to suspend the hosting set it to true to suspend
suspendReason string no The reason the hosting or domain is being suspended
suspendDomain object: boolean no Allows you to suspend the domain set it to true to suspend
resumeService object: boolean no Allows the service to be resumed in case it has been cancelled earlier
metadata array no Your metadata

Sample JSON

  "package": "basic2",
  "email": "",
  "password": "4K9U3w8tuKZFwf!*gKo!Zb1",
  "ftpPassword": "4K9U3w8tuKZFwf!*gKo!Zb1"